About the Chef-Author

Diana is a 2010 graduate of the University of Chicago, with the nerdiest liberal arts B.A. of all time, Fundamentals. It’s served her well at UW Law School, where she is completing her J.D, so who says the liberal arts are useless? Coming from long traditions of great home cooking on both sides of her family (Italian and German), cooking is a passion that she pursues about as intensely as studying the law. If it hadn’t been law school, it would have been Le Cordon Bleu. Complicated, multi-day-preparation dishes are a favorite for special occasions. Seasonality and locavorousness come naturally to the native Madisonian gourmand, due to the presence of the Dane County Farmers’ Market––one of the oldest and largest in the country––around the Capitol Square each Saturday morning. Bon appétit!

2 responses

  1. my name is Eran from Israel. I’m the producer of an interactive magazine for foodies called “Royal Chef” – and we’re doing an issue about street foods and their evolution at restaurants, tv and more…

    while searching for dishes I stumbled across this photo of pan bagnat from your blog, It’s such a great picture!

    we would really love to use it for our article about world food

    unfortunately we are producing this magazine under tight budget, so we’ll be very happy if you could give us permission to use this photo for free. of course we will give you and your blog full credit…

    as foodie to foodie i really hope you’ll agree
    please let me know what you think…

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